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Apple Version Of Powerpoint

Keynote sets the stage for an impressive presentation. A simple, intuitive interface puts important tools front and center, so everyone on your team can easily add beautiful charts, edit photos, and incorporate cinematic effects. Apple Keynote comes free with any new Mac, which means that it's likely to be most Mac users' default choice when it comes to slideshow and presentation software. PowerPoint also provides far.

We recently picked up a few new Apple TV’s for the OpenView Labs & Studios offices’. https://ameblo.jp/madiflori9v/entry-12649462184.html. We love the idea of rotating photos, informational slides and videos on TV screens around the office, so we decided to set up a PowerPoint template to make it very easy for writers and event planners to publish content to our TVs.


Transferring a PowerPoint (.PPT) to Apple TV wasn’t a difficult process, but it certainly wasn’t as straight forward as I would have expected and was surprisingly undocumented. Thankfully, Macworld has a great article on displaying presentations via Apple TV that helped. For this reason I’ve decided to share my process here to hopefully make it easier for you to display a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation on an Apple TV.


Optimage 3 3 14. Bookreader 5 1 download free. Pathway 1 0 1 download free. This tutorial assumes you have:

  • PowerPoint 2011 or later
  • iPhoto ’11 or later
  • iTunes ’10 or later
  • 2nd & 3rd generation Apple TV or later

Step by Step Guidelines

Apple desktop features. After you have created a PowerPoint presentation, you can follow this process to get it setup as a slideshow on the Apple TV(s):

  1. Go to File > Save As, and select PNG from the Format drop down. This will export each slide as an image
  2. Open up iTunes, go to the iTunes Store and log in with the same account you currently use on your Apple TV
  3. Open up iPhoto, create a new album and import the photos
  4. Go to File > Export, choose Slideshow, and click the Apple TV column to optimize the images for display on the Apple TV. Be sure the Automatically send slideshow to iTunes box is checked
  5. To view your “presentation” on the Apple TV, select the synced album from the Apple TV’s Photos menu. Note: If you want to navigate through the slides with your Apple TV clicker, rather than automatically transitioning to the next, immediately press the Play/Pause button to pause playback; you can then use the Back and Forward buttons to navigate your slides.
  6. That’s it, all done!

Apple Version Of Microsoft Word

Hopefully this makes it nice and easy to create Apple TV presentations for your school, office or home! We’re very excited to begin using these at our upcoming workshops, forums and events.

Apple Version Of Powerpoint
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